Rafael is 3 years old and was born 9 weeks premature with cerebral palsy as a result of a twin to twin transfusion. Rafael needs assistance with all his movements.
Rafael’s favourite movie is Cars and he loves Lightening McQueen. He enjoys a chat and laugh with everyone.
Rafael’s mother Jessica said “In an ideal world, we would love to see that Rafael is not limited by his disability, but is able to do anything and everything that his brothers do. We want him to have a fulfilling childhood and enjoy all the things that little kids enjoy and not feel limited.”
In 2017, Jessica applied for funding. She wanted Rafael to have a modified tricycle, so he could engage more with his family including his twin brother. It would also help him to build strength resulting in more control of his body. A modified trike with postural support that can be adjusted with age, would allow Rafael to ride like other children. It would also allow his parents to move him around easily while outdoors.
An equipment and therapies campaign was recently held to raise funds for the children Brainwave support. We were over the moon when a wonderful donor purchased a modified trike for Rafael. The photo of Rafael’s happiness say it all.
One of Rafael’s biggest challenge is outdoor mobility but now his mother Jessica said, “From the moment Rafael rode his bike for the first time, we haven’t been able to wipe the smile off his face”. She also said “it has been wonderful for us to watch him join in riding bikes with his brothers. Our most heart-warming thanks to Brainwave Australia and the generous, kind hearted person that bought this trike for Rafael. It has made him so happy and brought him and our family so much joy!”