Ashton is six years old and is a special part of this family from rural Victoria which includes Sarah and her husband Justin and their younger daughter Lyla who is age three.
Ashton was born eight weeks premature after a very turbulent pregnancy. At five days old it was discovered during a routine brain ultrasound that Ashton had a rare brain abnormality called partial agenesis of the corpus callosum. The doctors were unable to tell Sarah and Justin what exactly this would mean for Ashton, they just had to wait and see how he would develop.
The first few years consisted of many hospital admissions and visits to specialists to treat different illnesses and the epilepsy he has developed due to his diagnosis. There have been a lot of unknowns and so much time and energy has been invested in helping Ashton to develop through different therapies which has also meant that Sarah has had to stop working. This has had a big impact on their family financially, emotionally and socially. Sarah says “Going out can be difficult due to the amount of equipment needed for Ashton which in turn makes it hard to maintain friendships”.
Despite his challenges and requiring assistance with all tasks from eating, to communicating, to dressing, he has learned to walk with the assistance of his walking frame. “Ashton is amazing – he now thoroughly enjoys going to school and horse riding” says Sarah.
By chance, Ashton’s mum stumbled upon Brainwave late last year and she says “we will forever be grateful for the assistance they have provided us in being able to purchase a swivel based car seat. There is minimal funding available for pieces like this making it extremely difficult to be able to purchase on one income. This year I have hurt my back lifting Ashton into and out of the car, making this item a necessity. This specialised seat ensures that Ashton can travel safely in the car and I can save my back by helping him to climb into the seat instead of lifting him. It has made a huge difference to our family, we can’t possibly say thank you enough for the support you have given us. Once again a big thank you for making our lives just that little bit easier”.
Brainwave support many families in need of financial assistance through the purchase of necessary equipment and therapies that will enable children with neurological conditions to thrive in their communities.